Does the drama never end? Paul drove to the house for 7am to wait for John Lewis to deliver some appliances, and started pulling up the old carpet, stripping wallpaper off the walls, and tearing out a fitted cupboard. However, within 20 minutes of arriving at the house, he locked himself in one of the bedrooms. He had closed the door so he could get the carpet up, and found that the door would not open. So at 7.30am Paul climbed out of the first floor (second floor - if you’re American) and jumped into the front yard. Then when the appliances arrived, the guys from John Lewis could not get the old freezer out from the shed at the bottom of the garden, or get the new one in. What made this even worse was that Paul was told the shed roof was asbestos. Then, if that was not enough, the guys could not get the old washing machine disconnected because the plastic taps on the water pipes would not close off. Luckily one of them used some ingenuity and got around the problem. Next, they couldn’t get the old fridge out because the power lead was connected under the back of the base cupboards. And, just to round the whole day off, once they did get the fridge disconnected, we found that the new one was too big to fit the space!!