The last couple of days Paul and Dawn have been worried about both Paul's dad in hospital, and his brother George who is now on his own until Paul's dad is released from hospital. Consequently, Paul has been on the phone to George to make sure he is okay, and to the hospital to check on his dad. Friday morning the nurses had hoped he would have been released today, but now it's not going to be before Saturday at the earliest.
Paul also dropped into see his doctor to check his blood pressure. The doctor was happy that it had come down a little, and will be keeping him on the same dose of medication for the next six months now. Paul also mentioned his painful arm/shoulder, so the doctor said he would do a letter of referral for a physio. However, that could take between three and four months for an appointment. The doctor added that he could always go private.
When Paul got home, the builders that fixed the tiled roofs last Friday were working on the chimney. Within a couple of hours the chimney was fixed.
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