Well we're glad this month is over with. It's certainly been an eventful one. Let's hope March is a little less stressful. Just take the last three days for Dad. He went to the hospital on Monday and today, for a blood test and ultrasound, and to his own GP on Tuesday . He's progressing well, though. However, all this running around is making him tired.
I have completed three days at work for the first time in what seems like forever. It's been enjoyable, but at the same time very, very frustrating.
Dawn has also had a couple of crazy days in the office before a work at home day. Well, partly. In the middle of the day she had to go to the QEII hospital in Welwyn for a checkup. This meant that she had possession of the car and had to drop me off at work and collect me in the evening. More relevant is that she had to drive to the hospital on her own. This she accomplished with flying colours, and even reverse parked into one of those tiny sized parking bays. However, she did say that it was strange as hell trying to manoeuvre the tiny two lane roads that only had enough width for one car.