Today I finally rejoined the workforce as Cost Controller for a Risk Management company in Hertford. My day went well, but I do feel tired. All the new faces, procedures and objectives. It's certainly another challenge to face again.
And I haven't forgotten it was Tiny's big day too. She did really well. In addition to being pleased to see me and Dawn when we got home tonight, she ate her meals okay, and wasn't sick. Hopefully she'll get used to the new routine and start enjoying the peace with me out of the house.
We also have some sad news to mention regarding our ex-employer, Dr. Leibrecht. He passed away peacefully Saturday following a short illness. Neither of us will ever forget him. He was Dawn's first boss in England back in 1997, and gave us both jobs when we moved to America in 1999, giving us 7 memorable years in Dunedin. Our thoughts go out to his family and friends, many of whom are our friends too, including Dr. Cathy Eberhart who will now be Schiller's Interim President.
I called Dad this evening and he successfully got to the Whittington Hospital and home again after a blood test on his INR. It was up again, resulting in yet another change to his medication.
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