A busy week for the two of us at work so far. However, Dawn had a little respite today when she met some ex-work colleagues from Schiller at Caprini's near the the school campus in Waterloo Road for lunch.
Dawn meets up with Mavis and Margaret every few months so they can all catch up on how life has treated them. M&M, who are both retired, usually go out travelling every week to see somewhere new. Which is why one day they decided, as usual on the spur of the moment, to jump on a bus and have a ride to the Homerton Hospital in Hackney. Their opinion of the well-known local landmark: 'There was quite an odd assortment of characters there.' Yes, that would be the place.
As for me, I came home to spend my lunch with Tiny and had my usual ham sandwich.
Tonight I called Dad to see how his week was going. Again, he had been to the Whittington for his weekly blood test. On Monday, he went out with George and picked up the St George first day cover.
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