With Hayley expected down today, and us both needing to pop into town for a haircut, Dawn stayed at home and tided the house a little while I did the weekly grocery shopping at Tesco on my own. We then popped into town to get our hair cut, got some books at the local library, bought some more odds and ends and had a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
Hayley arrived at Hertford East around noon and we collected her on the way home. The three of us then enjoyed a couple of hours catching up on things and enjoyed some lunch in the process. Hayley had store bought pizza, while Dawn and I had a home made quesadillas. It was good to see Hayley and when I dropped her back at the station she said that she would try and not leave it so long next time before coming to see us again.
After dinner we relaxed by watching a recording of Atonement. We'd both read the book a few months ago and were looking forward to seeing how the film compared.
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