Woke up this morning, and although the ground was still covered with a blanket of snow, I decided to go to work. Dawn on the other hand decided to work from home again. If I could I would have. However, I would probably lose a day's pay if I had.
With so much snow, slush and ice on the roads, I decided to walk to the station. It was still several degrees below zero and I didn't want to risk losing control of the car on black ice and sliding into something. In fact, I ended up jogging half the way to the station and caught the 6:10am train instead.
Work was hell. But, that is how it feels at the moment. It's going to be a long month. One that at this moment in time does not offer a great deal of confidence.
Although the above photo was taken yesterday, most of the snow was still in the backyard when I got home this evening. Thankfully, for me, Dawn wiped all the snow off the car and met me at the station.
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