Another day off work for us both. But what would you expect on Thanksgiving Day?
We tried to take the day slowly, but it wasn't long before we were in action mode. After a shave, breakfast and shower, I set out to collect Dad and George from Holloway (popping into Tesco on the way), while Dawn vacuumed the house and put the sweet potatoes and dressing in the oven as per my schedule.
When I got home, Dawn entertained Dad and George while I got stuck into getting the dinner ready. Then dead on 1pm and on schedule, I dished up some free range turkey, dressing, broccoli casserole, sweet potato mash, Basmati rice, giblet gravy and cranberry sauce. A store bought apple pie with ice cream and some freshly brewed coffee followed soon after.
Then at 2pm Dawn logged onto MSN messenger and opened a webcam call to Brady and Jim so Dad and George could see them. And, more important, so that we could all wish each other a Happy Thanksgiving.
After taking Dad and George home, Dawn then gave her sister a call to wish her Happy Thanksgiving.
After all the activities of the last 36 hours, Dawn and I chilled out with some more episodes of The Restaurant and How I Met Your Mother. Oh yea, I also downed an excellent turkey sandwich while Dawn did the same damage to a bowl of home made popcorn.
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