My last day of work for not only 2009, but also this decade. And, as with the last two days, I walked to the station to save Dawn contending with the icy roads.
Thankfully, The Boss let me leave even earlier today than yesterday. However, by this time I had already sorted out the cash situation for the rest of the month and would also be checking on our account balances from home and transferring cash and making any payments that needed to be done electronically.
Dawn ventured into town today and in particular Waitrose. Another phone call resulted and again Dawn was in hell part two. I told her to not to worry, pay for what she had picked up, and I would get the rest at Waitrose in Enfield Town on the way home.
Tonight we enjoyed put the second DVD on that is part of our Christmas tradition, Christmas Vacation. No matter how many times we watch this film, it still makes us laugh.
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