Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wed, Sept 16th

My week has been pretty mundane considering. Dawn's on the other hand has been one challenge and deadline after another. To tell the truth, since becoming Environmental Officer at CU, she has been accumulating tasks and projects like collecting stamps. However, unlike stamp collecting, she can't just buy another album; she has to fit it all into her normal work week. Today she even had to leave work early, which didn't help, as she had her periodical check up at the dentist.

Guess what? Our overburdened socialist healthcare system provided Dawn with her six monthly visit and deep clean for the expensive cost of £35. But then again, we don't have to make insurance payments every month, don't have to fill in countless forms, and worry that some unforeseen health problem could result in us losing our home due to escalating medical bills. Maybe not so bad after all.

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