With bellies bulging and appetites quenched, we told each other how pleased we were to have been able to enjoy our festive meal together before once again I found myself sitting behind a steering wheel and heading back into London. On the way back, Dad told me how much he enjoyed the meal and how pleased he was able to meet Brady at last.
In Hertford, Brady and Dawn were busy in the kitchen cleaning the mess that I had left behind. Jim, who knew better than to get between the two ladies in such a confined space, stayed in the living room. However, I think my heavy carb food may have been the real culprit. By the time I had got back to the house, he had migrated back to the spare room where he could allow the food to go down better by spreading himself out on the futon.
Dawn, Brady and I then saw out of the rest of the day, with cameo appearances from Jim (like when he came down to raid the kitchen for food), watching television. Halfway through the Strictly Christmas Special, the three of us descended on the kitchen for some food ourselves. Dawn and Brady grabbed a handful of cheeseball spread covered crackers, while I had a couple of turkey sandwiches.
By 9pm we were all MORE then ready to call it day and bring Christmas Day to a close. Although Brady ended the day hearing noises from Dawn and me through the bedroom wall. Dawn couldn't resist setting up her profile on her Nintendo Brain Age game. So for about five to ten minutes all Brady could hear (in repetitive random sequence) was "Red, Yellow, Black, Blue..."
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