My bug turned into a full blown cold. All night long my body alternated between chills, sweats, and out and out heat. I definitely had a soaring temperature. Needless to say, it put a damper on plans for today, and God knows how many more days. So rather than repeat myself, I'll get it out of the way now and mention that apart from a brief time on the couch I spent virtually all day resting on the bed upstairs.
Dawn and Brady took a ride into town to do some last minute shopping and have a look at the farmer's market. Jim decided to stay behind and chill out a bit. The ladies had planned to "look" at the market. However, after chatting to a local pie maker, the two of them felt compelled to buy something and ended up with a steak and mushroom and a fidget pie.
The two went from store to store searching for the things I had put on their list: goose fat for the roast potatoes, Galloways medicine for my sore throat and (most important) some authentic Cornish Pasties for lunch. While the two were in town, Jim ventured out for a brief walk. He obviously felt a little more secure with his own agenda than Sergeant Major Dawn's.
I would say that the rest of the day was relaxing, but Dawn would argue that one. With me bed ridden, it fell on her to make and dish up the Beef Wellington for dinner. Brady (and Jim at times) did their best to help. However, thanks to the smallness of our kitchen, it looked more like a Strictly Come Dancing routine as the three of them maneuvered around each other. As for how the dish turned out, it was excellent. Dawn did herself proud. Brady even said (unprovoked) that it was the best piece of beef she had ever tasted. Which seeing that Dawn has not really cooked a proper meal in close to seven years, and for Brady in over twelve, it was quite an accomplishment.
After dinner I came downstairs and tried to spend some time with our guests. However, with my agenda published for Christmas Day and instructions for Jim to be up at 8:00am to open presents, he was first to depart. We weren't that long behind, to tell the truth. I just hoped that my roaring temperature would break and I could start to enjoy the festive time more.
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